Services Provided


Our goal is to make training fun and engaging for both you and your dog. We believe that training should be a positive and enjoyable experience for both parties, and that your dog should want to work with you. We are focused on helping you with the tools to get started on self-training your service dog. Please note, we are NOT a board and train facility. We also offer training to non-service dogs with the fees collected going back to support service dog teams. We are AKC Canine Good Citizen evaluators and have our own Service Dog Public Access testing process to provide you the confidence to take your dog in public.  

Behavioral Help

We are dedicated to helping you and your dog communicate better and strengthen your bond. Our consultant has a certificate in Applied Animal Behavior from University of Washington and a PhD in the sciences. We utilize science backed tools to help identify the source of your dog's behavior and work with you to come up with a plan. Many times we will also help you find someone who might be more of an expert in your dog's specific needs. 


Our goal is to educate the public on service animals and improve access rights for those with a service dog. Our educational events provide basics on what is a service dog and how to interact with a SD team when in public. Contact us if you have events or places that you would be interested in having us attend! 

Give Aways/Emergency Funds

We provide giveaways of grooming, training and other items at different events. We have limited funds, but can help you in emergency situations when you need medical care or other unexpected expenses for your service animal. We are also happy to support your fundraising efforts or find low cost resources that you might need.